meditation 16

Intone the mystical sound
A U M . . .
Raising the tone softly
and slowly
as you pass from A
to U
and from U
to M . . .
and then letting the sound merge
in the fourth stage,
the Void . . .
Thus attain
energy beyond Void . . .

This is Verse 39.
Swami Lakshmanjoo and Pandit Dina Nath Muju's translation is as follows:
Verse 39
Intone the mysticl sound Aum raising your sound softly and slowly as you pass from A to U and from U to M and then let the sound merge into the fourth stage – the Void. Thus attain Energy beyond Void.
Please refer to Swami Lakshmanjoo's detailed commentary on this verse in his Manual for Self Realization (John Hughes, ed.).
Please consider that not every mantra is suitable for everyone. Whereas some mantras are suitable and life-supporting for an active, householder way of life, others and suitable and life-supporting for renunciates.
Therefore, please consult with an enlightened master.