meditation 19
and then beyond

Beginning at the navel . . .
softly intone
the sacred sound
A u m . . .
passing the sound
through heart , , ,
to the face . . .
the middle of the eyebrows . . .
to the forehead . . .
and then . . .
to the crest
of the head . . .
beyond . . .
into Void . . .
You are blessed . . .
Swami Lakshmanjoo and Dina Nath Muju's 1975 – 1975 translation of the verse reads as follows:
Verse 42
Softly intone the sacred word Aum by beginning at the navel and then pass the sound gradually through heart to face and then to the middle of eyebrows, thence to forehead and then to the crest of your head and then beyond that into the void. You are blessed.
For Swami Lakshmanjoo's commentary on this verse, please refer to his Manual for Self-Realization (John Hughes, ed.).