meditation 74
objective cognition

that objective cognition
has no source
of its own

but is supportless.
Hence, an illusion.
In reality
it is none other
than the Knower.
You become One
with Shiva (Reality).
This is Verse 99.
In The Manual for Self Realization (John Hughes, ed.), Swami Lakshmanjoo comments on this important verse, reiterating the primacy of the Knower as Consciousness, which he also emphasizes earlier on in his commentary.
Jaideva Singh's commentary in his Yoga of Delight, Wonder, and Astonishment, draws upon Abhinavagupta and Jayaratha.
Swamiji and Panitji's original reads as follows:
Verse 99
Realise that objective cognition has no source of its own. It is supportless. Hence an illusion. In reality it is not other than the Knower himself. You become one with Shiva (Reality).