meditation 72
In That

Cognition and conation
arise from "I am" –
but when "I" is merged
in "That" –
there is neither "My cognition"
nor "My conation."
You merge in That.
This is verse 97.
A conation is an inclination – as in an instinct, wish, drive, or craving – to act purposefully.
In his Manual for Self Realization (John Hughes, ed.), Swami Lakshmanjoo explains that in the context of this verse, the I denotes the individual I am – which does not exist.
Swamiji and Panditji's original reads as follows:
Verse 97
Cognition and conation rise from "I am" but when "I" is merged in "That," there is no "My cognition" or "My conation." You merge in That.
Another translation that took place under Swamiji's aegis is that of Jaideva Singh, in the form of his Yoga of Delight, Wonder, and Astonishment.